BiGre Days: February, 20th, 2025 @ IMAG

Join us for the BiGre Days, a one-day conference bringing together the vibrant community of computational biology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and biophysics in Grenoble. The event will feature two invited speakers, as well as a series of oral presentations and a poster session showcasing exciting research.

We aim to provide a platform for young local researchers to share their work and foster collaboration.

The event is free but registration is mandatory.

Registration and call for abstracts

Important dates

  • Conference: February 20th 2025
  • Announcing talk / poster selection: Januray, 31st 2025
  • Call close: January 15th, 2025
  • Call opening: November, 27th, 2024


We have two invited speakers scheduled!

  • Claire Lemaître, GenScale, Inria, Rennes
  • Guido Uguzzoni, BGE, CEA, Grenoble


8:30 9:00 ☕ Coffee and registration
9:00 9:50 Claire Lemaitre: Moving from reference genomes to pangenome graphs: benefits and challenges for the analysis of structural variation
9:50 10:10 Arnaud Belcour: Predicting coarse-grained representations of biogeochemical cycles from metabarcoding data
10:10 10:30 Nathan Shourick: Two-dimensional numerical resolution of a polar active matter model applied to collective cell migration
10:30 11:00 ☕ Coffee Break
11:00 11:20 Dzenis Koca: Peritumoral tissue is a promising source of prognostic biomarkers
11:20 11:40 Lucile Broséus: Placental DNAm changes mediating the association between prenatal air pollution exposure and child lung function: a study in the SEPAGES cohort
11:40 12:00 Jedrzej Kubica: Guilt-by-association (GBA) centrality - an interactome-based analysis method for disease gene prioritization
12:00 12:20 Louise Velut: Benchmark of microRNA targets prediction algorithms using microRNA-mRNA co-sequencing datasets at the single-cell level
12:20 13:30 🍕 Lunch
1:30 14:50 Sandy Frank Kwamou Ngaha: Prediction of proteins belonging to a gene family involved in bacterial secretion systems using machine learning approaches.
1:50 14:10 Flora Gaudillière: Unwelcome guests: characterizing the ecology and evolution of insertion sequences in prokaryotic genomes
14:10 14:30 Florence Pittion: HDMAX2, an R package to perform high dimension mediation analysis
14:30 14:50 Nicolas Jovanovic: Navigating Variable Selection and Mixture Identification: A Comprehensive Simulation Study with Mixture Models
14:50 15:40 ☕ Coffee and poster session
15:40 16:00 Morgane Roger-Margeritat: The study of quinone exchanges in the gut microbiota
16:00 16:20 Marion Chauveau: Predicting compensatory mutations in proteins using statistical models
16:20 17:10 Guido Uguzzoni: In-silico Design of Antibody Specificity from Phage Display Sequencing Data

List of title and abstracts for all talks and posters

Organizing committee

Program committee

  • Thomas Burger, EDyP
  • Laurent Guyon, CEA
  • Clovis Galiez, LJK
  • Vincent Lefort, LECA
  • Frédéric Boyer, LECA
  • Delphine Ropers, INRIA, LiPHY
  • Angélique Stephanou, TIMC
  • Ivan Junier, TIMC
  • Florent Chuffart, IAB